Unlocking Success: Optimizing Moving Out-of-Home (MOOH) Campaigns with Attribution Insights

Explore how attribution insights can transform your MOOH campaigns

Unlocking Success: Optimizing Moving Out-of-Home (MOOH) Campaigns with Attribution Insights

Moving Out-of-home (OOH) advertising has long been a powerful tool for brands to reach a wide audience. Yet, in the current data-centric landscape, maximizing MOOH campaigns extends beyond mere audience outreach; it necessitates a profound comprehension of how these initiatives align with broader marketing objectives and business outcomes. This is where the role of attribution insights becomes crucial. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the vital role of attribution in optimizing MOOH campaigns and how businesses can leverage this information to improve ROI and drive tangible business results. 

Understanding Attribution in MOOH Campaigns: 

Attribution in the context of MOOH advertising refers to the process of determining and assessing the impact and effectiveness of a particular MOOH campaign on specific outcomes, such as web or in-store lifts and brand awareness, to name a few. Traditional models often struggle to accurately measure the impact of MOOH campaigns, as they typically rely on online metrics and may not capture the offline impact of billboard ads, transit displays, and other out-of-home channels. 

To overcome these challenges, marketers are turning to advanced attribution models that incorporate offline data, foot traffic analysis, and other metrics to provide a more holistic view of campaign effectiveness. By understanding how MOOH efforts contribute to consumer actions, such as store visits or online conversions, businesses can make informed decisions to optimize their campaigns. 

Identifying High-Performing Channels

Attribution data helps marketers identify the MOOH channels that drive the most significant impact on customer behavior. By analyzing attribution insights, businesses can allocate their budget more effectively, focusing on channels and locations that contribute most to their overall marketing goals. 

Near Real-Time Adjustments 

The beauty of attribution insights lies in their near real-time nature. With the StreetMetrics platform, media operators can monitor campaign performance and make adjustments week over week. If a particular location or creative isn’t delivering the expected results, quick modifications can be made to maximize effectiveness and continue tracking the campaign’s performance after you’ve made these adjustments.

Measuring Incrementally

Attribution data allows businesses to measure the incremental impact of their MOOH campaigns. This means understanding whether the campaign led to the actions that wouldn’t have occurred organically. This insight is invaluable for demonstrating the true value of MOOH advertising in driving business outcomes. 

Vector Media was tasked by Chase to help drive awareness as the bank entered the Charlotte, NC market. To demonstrate campaign efficacy, Vector focused on measuring total impressions and assessing whether the ads increased customer foot traffic to Chase’s newly opened branches and ATMs. Utilizing StreetMetrics’ measurement and attribution for the 4-week campaign, Vector obtained insights on the in-store lift, which showed a 6.6x increase in foot traffic. To conclusively demonstrate campaign effectiveness, StreetMetrics established a test and control group to calculate and report branch walk-ins and ATM visits attributed to the campaign.  

In short, as moving out-of-home (MOOH) advertising remains crucial for brand outreach, integrating attribution insights is vital for maximizing impact. Leveraging these insights allows businesses to identify high-performing channels, make adjustments, and measure incremental campaign impact. Vector Media’s collaboration with Chase Bank, powered by StreetMetrics, exemplifies how robust attribution not only enhances campaign efficacy but also delivers tangible metrics, highlighting the genuine value of MOOH advertising in achieving impactful business outcomes. 

To learn more about StreetMetrics’ measurement and attribution capabilities, get in touch with the StreetMetrics team. 

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