Explore Outdoor Advertising Measurement Capabilities with StreetCity

Take a look at StreetCity, StreetMetrics' virtual world to help operators understand their measurement and attribution offerings

Explore Outdoor Advertising Measurement Capabilities with StreetCity

Birmingham, AL (March 23, 2021) — StreetMetrics is officially launching StreetCity, an interactive, educational tool for StreetMetrics’ moving out-of-home media measurement solutions.

StreetCity is designed with our current partners, and future partners, in mind. The virtual city outlines the methodology and impact of StreetMetrics’ measurement and attribution capabilities. Users can navigate around the city, filter for solutions, and hover over media assets to get a more visual understanding of our advanced out-of-home measurement technology.

“StreetCity is an exciting milestone in the StreetMetrics journey,” says Drew Jackson, StreetMetrics’ Founder. “Out-of-Home media measurement is complex, and we’re committed to providing our operators and advertisers the resources to make moving out-of-home measurement more straightforward and transparent. Thanks to Max, Jeff, and the team at Voxel who helped us deliver upon this goal.”
Toggle filters to learn about StreetMetrics methodology. Source: StreetCity by StreetMetrics.

StreetMetrics partnered with Voxel Worlds, a realistic proptech design studio, to build StreetCity.

“StreetMetrics thought out of the box for this project,” says Jeff Alaoui, Voxel Worlds’ Chief Operating Officer.  “Voxel typically designs 3D experiences for architecture, so building a custom 3D city that showcases StreetMetrics’ Out-of-Home advertising measurement tech was a unique challenge. Partnering with the StreetMetrics team and seeing StreetCity come to life was a rewarding experience through and through.”

Visualize StreetMetrics viewsheds on various transit vehicles. Source: StreetCity by StreetMetrics.

With projects like StreetCity, StreetMetrics is committed to investing in the future of the Out-of-Home advertising industry.

To interact with StreetCity:

  1. Click here or go to streetmetrics.com and choose StreetCity.
  2. Click or drag on the screen to begin the StreetCity experience.
  3. In the top right corner, click the menu button to drop down the filters for the 3D block.
  4. Hover your mouse over each asset to learn more.

Enjoy exploring!


About StreetMetrics

StreetMetrics is a media measurement company serving the out-of-home advertising industry. Our planning, measurement, and attribution solutions help media operators prove the return on investment for their out-of-home ad campaigns. For more information, visit www.streetmetrics.com or follow us on LinkedIn.

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